Monday, November 10, 2008

The Kids right now

Okay, so just to catch you all up on where each of the kids are at...

Ryan, 27 months old, has speech delay. His Dr. has been encouraging us to enroll him in speech therapy. We have been going back and forth on the whole idea. Then in the last 2 weeks he has really been trying hard to talk. He has a whole new vocabulary. Praise God! He says "gar" for car, "guck" for truck, "nena" for peanuts, "ack" for snack and many more. I am SO proud of him! He is also being potty trained. He is doing such a good job with that. He has even been running in there all by himself and going. Sometimes we still have issues with remembering to go in the big boy potty, but let's remember...he's only 27 months. Go Ryan!

Then there's Raegan, she will be one year old this Saturday! She is such an amazing child. She is learning how to communicate in her own little way. She mimics her brother as much as she can. She is our little fearless fireball! I can not believe it was just about a year ago that she made her very impatient debut :) She has grown like crazy and is just such a joy!

I will be sure to post pictures from her birthday party as soon I get them!

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