Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oh the day I've had!

So I have had a very interesting day & thought I'd share it with you all in case you needed a good laugh.

So we got up, everyone had breakfast, the kids had their normal bm after breakfast. I changed their diapers. Ryan is put in his big boy underwear after having his bm each morning. Every one's good, playing, going about their own routine. Ryan comes and says "Mama, ugh!" I said "Do you have to go potty?" He says "Ga!" (meaning yes). So I take him in there, undress him and poop plops right into mommy's hand, nice big handful!!! "Are you freakin kidding me?!?!" So I cleaned up that mess, yeah that was fun ;) & disgusting! Thank goodness Raegan was down for her nap.

So then we go to Costco a little while later. We were there at lunch time so I had brought Raegan's with us. I got Ryan & I a wrap to share. There was no seating in the shade so I went around the corner to a bench near their auto center. Get all situated. Then 2 employee's come around the corner stand right next to me and my 2 small children and light up! Again, "Are you freakin kidding me?" So I move once again. As I turn the cart around my drink standing in the cart goes flying and spills everywhere. Okay fine, feed the kids then go refill it. I refill it, turn the cart to snatch the only seat in the shade so I can try and eat something too and the drink goes flying & spills again!!! I refill it now for the 3rd time. "I'm leaving!!!" Get to the car & turn on the air to cool it off, unload everything into the car from the cart. I stick the kids in there really quick (not belted in or anything) so I could just go 2 car spaces over & return the cart. Come back, Ryan's in the drivers seat & the doors are LOCKED!!! "Holy crap!" I calmly try to tell him to "Push the button on the door to unlock it", yeah he's 2. He's just pretending like he's driving. I start pounding on the window and yelling at him to "PUSH THE BUTTON!!!". I start pacing and wondering what my husband is going to think when he hears about this one! Finally he pushes the button to auto roll down the window. Okay, got in! "Note to self: never ever ever walk away from the car without keys in hand, ever!" You would think I would have learned my lesson about this since I have been locked out of the house 2-3 times by Ryan as well. Yeah we have no screen on one window and I ruined the sliding screen lock another time.

So back to my day...Can you believe that after all that I actually braved Target? We got through that without anything out of the ordinary. Except I feel slightly "damp". So I get home get everyone out & unload the car. I go to the restroom...nice! I freakin started my period just to end the first half of my day with an extra bang!

Moral of the story...well I don't know what to say but to be prepared for the unexpected at all times. I certainly wasn't!

Hope you enjoy your day;)!

1 comment:

Jo Jo said...

Ha ha ha! This is a day for the mommy record books! Thanks for sharing!