Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Proud Mama!

I am SO proud of my litte guy this morning. Jesse and I have been trying to prepare him for turning 3. It is a pretty big deal in our house. Why you ask? Well because for months and months now we have been informing Ryan that when he turns 3 he becomes a very big boy and it's then time to have NO MORE binkis. Binkis are for babies!

Well he turns 3 in August. However he has had 2 binkis in his crib with him. So I was hoping to get rid of them gradually. Awhile back he bit a hole in one of his binkis so we told him it was time to throw it in the trash and let the trash truck take it away. He still reminds us every time he hears or see's a trash truck that "trash guck took bue binki!!" We remind him each time he reminds us that "Well that's ok because you are going to be a big boy soon so you don't need anymore binki's"!!!

This morning we went outside to watch the trash truck do his thing. We watched him start at one end of the street and then make his way to the other end. And, without fail, he, yet again, reminded me of that one time when the "trash guck took bue binki!". I saw an opportunity! I asked him "Are you ready to give the trash truck another one of your binki's?" There was no hesitation, he said "Yeah!" So we ran inside to his room and I held out both of his binki's and he chose which one to give to trash truck this morning. He, to my amazement, chose the best one he had. So we ran back outside and I pick him up and he put it in the big trash can and we watched the trash truck take yet another binki!!!
WHAT A BIG BOY! This is Ryan right after we came in! He's pretty proud of himself!

I thought I would go ahead and post some other pictures from the past few weeks while I'm at it.
Here's the kids playing in their box house Uncle Bob made for them. Raegan trying to ride a big wheel. Here's mom, Aunt Betty and Shanna with the Bride To Be at David's Bridal. Poor Auntie Betty could not stand to laugh with us, she fractured her ribs over Mother's Day weekend. I think her memory must have been foggy from the pain med's ;) since she obviously forgot who all she was going shopping with that day. Laughter is always guaranteed with that crowd. Here's the bride to be with most of her bridesmaids in front of David's Bridal. Here we are all pooped out! And here's the start to my very first home garden!

So there you have it. A short summary to the past couple weeks. We have many exciting things happening here at the Moore house in the next few weeks so stay tuned!

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