Monday, June 15, 2009

We made it!

Okay, so I have had the dreaded annual female appt. sched. for this morning for over a month now. I have been so busy with my sister's bridal shower that I had not put much thought into it. It dawned on me Sunday that I had the appt. this morning. Well not much time for planning. But, honestly, after I thought about it I thought here is yet another challenge I can try to over come. If you know me I am not one to except help easily. I like a good challenge.

SO...this morning came. I got the kids fed, dressed, and ready to go. Then still needed to get myself ready. I washed my face (during that time both kids had pushed their chairs into the bathroom and were standing on each side of me pulling things out of my makeup bag and drawers). I then got 1/2 dressed. I was so tired from the weekend that the thought passed through my head, as I starred at myself in the mirror, "Why am I even worried about what I look like? I am going to the Gyn's office." But then I realized how horrible I looked and wondered what my midwife (whom I have been seeing forever) would think of the state of my life if she saw me walk in looking the way I did. So I proceeded to put something on that matched, put makeup on my face, and even flat ironed my hair. By this time I am now running late. I finally get out the door and on the car when I realize I still need gas. Ugh!

The whole way to the office I was telling the kids that if they were good they would get a treat. I knew there would not be room in the exam room for the double stroller so I brought the umbrella stroller and put Raegan in it and made Ryan walk. He was upset about that and thought that wasn't right. So, before we even got out of the parking lot we had our first tantrum. I did my usual "Be a BIG brother" talk and away we went. Or should I say away Ryan went with Raegan in the stroller across the parking lot. That's right, he thought that since he didn't get to enjoy the ride he'd go ahead and give the ride. After finally making it into the building and up the elevator we were finally in the check in line. While we were waiting Ryan proceeded to do wheelies with the stroller while Raegan was in it and shake her all over the place and came too close to running into the poor man in front of us.

Ok, we are finally called back. Ryan will not stop saying "Mommy me habe tweet?!?!" over and over and over!!! The woman is taking my BP and, can you believe it? it's much higher than usual. You can tell that she is completely beside herself on why anyone would bring their 19 month old and 34 month old to any female appt. We are following the nurse to the room and just as I turn around to give Ryan my evil eye and sternly say to him "WALK FASTER!!!" I look up and notice we are walking past my midwife's office. She just starts laughing at me hysterically. So I get "ready" for my exam get the kids set up with carrots and lay back.

I do have to say that during the exam my kids were awesome! They sat there and listened and ate their snack. But the second my feet were off the stirrups Raegan lost it. She threw her binki on the floor, her baby, her blankie, and looked like Emily Rose from the Exorcist trying to get out of the stroller. I have never gotten dressed quicker. We were off. We made it, we're done.

Until Mommy decides that since we are right near Daddy's work maybe we should go have lunch with him?!?!...

I am sure you can paint that picture.

They were so excited to be there and seeing everything and Daddy took Ryan for a ride on the forklift and they ran around saying "Hi" to everyone. Then 1:15 came around and lunch was over. I think that they thought we were there to hang out for the day cause as soon as we started saying good bye everyone unraveled.

Ryan screamed bloody murder across the parking lot, Raegan was trying to get out of my arms. Thank goodness Raegan fell asleep fairly soon after I was driving. But my dear sweet precious Ryan screamed that same way all the way from Buena Park to Corona on the 91. He looked like the male version of Emily Rose.

I hurried everyone in the house, changed diapers, and got everyone in bed. The only problem is...Raegan didn't want to go back to sleep. So now she is wondering around the house right now. And I have no idea where she is so I better go find her and see what she is getting into.

Oh the life...

This autobiography was written out by Korin Moore dedicated to Taleah Murray in honor of our "Bloggable Mommyhood" for good chuckles;)

1 comment:

Jo Jo said...

Yessss! Thanks for that and I must admit that I am a little disappointed that they were so good during the exam portion of the visit that would have made for some belly aching laughs! However, I think you deserve a medal of accomplishment for even thinking of taking your kids with you!